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Basic information about the project

The basic information about the project: The Rack Railway - Unique And Living Cultural Heritage Of The Jizera Mountanins And The Giant Mountains (Zubačka - unikátní živé kulturní dědictví Jizerských hor a Krkonoš)

Project number: EHP-CZ06-OV-1-189-01-2014

Železniční společnost Tanvald, obecně prospěšná společnost
Krkonošská 256
468 41 Tanvald
IČ: 25474481

Fund EEA and Norwegian Fund 2009 - 2014

Brex, spol. s r. o.
Hodkovická 135
463 12 Liberec 23
IČ: 40232549

ALEJ, architectonic studio Praha
Architects: Ing. arch. Ivan Lejčar, Ing. arch. Petr Lédl
Statics:Ing. Tomáš Štejfa

Technical supervision: Ing. Tomáš Štejfa
Architectural supervision: Ing. arch. Ivan Lejčar

Project manager: Ing. Kateřina Preusslerová

Construction commencement: 25. 8. 2015
Completion of construction: 30. 4. 2016

The aim of this project is reconstruction of former "Roundhouse" (a building used by railroads for servicing locomotives) which is owned by The Tanvald Railway association. This registered cultural monument of the Czech Republic (Register number úSKP: 13137/5-5455, titled "The Rack Railway with operating objects, Tanvald, Kořenov") is now on the edge of destruction.

The Tanvald Railway Association, with support of grants, had been trying to conserve the present condition to prevent complete destroying and stealing material for recovery. The association had processed a project documentation for a reconstruction of the building according to original appearance and technical treatment and in 2006 obtained a building permit of Railway office. The building permit was in 2014 extended until 31.12.2015.

The whole museum collection of historical rolling stocks will be situated in the renovated building of the "Roundhouse" - a unique area of culture monument. It will be a interactive living railway museum, destined for wide target audience (children, young, families with children, adults, specific in-groups of visitors) interested in self-education, active holidays and experiences.

The living railway museum will let the visitor insight into a rolling stock, learn how to care about it and offers the possibility of admiring technical perfection of these machines. The museum will also bid the opportunity to figuratively attend the restoring of the locomotives. The museum will preserve the rich culture heritage – a historically protected rolling stocks, or other vehicles which deserves care - safety and dignity. With its complexity and integrated presentation, it will show the cultural heritage and the technical perfection of those, who were here before us.

The vehicles will be mobile, it would be able to drive off for promotional events and Nostalgic rides, which will hold several times a year by passing the railroad from Tanvald, through Desná and Kořenov to Harrachov.

Partner of the project is Norwegian volunteer organization Norsk Jernbaneklubb Museet Gamble Vossebanen, which services and operates an exposition railway, especially a part of the original railway from Oslo to Bergen, which was closed in the sixties of 19th century. This organization is organizing a historic train rides on this railway and services three original railway stations. The organization also own a historic vehicles collection, which used to be in operation on this railway: one steam locomotive, a small diesel locomotive and several passenger trains with different construction (wood, metal). The organization has 30 years experience with repairing of historical trains and their operation on exhibitional railway,  they also services and operates their own museum. The Tanvald Railway association established cooperation with this organization in 2012 after a contract signing in October 2012. The Tanvald Railway association has visited their partners in Norway in 2013, and the partnership has been improved. Another partnership event was arranged in 2014, during a Nostalgic ride in Kořenov on August 2nd was held a "Norwegian day" – introduction Norwegian partner to Czech public. This partnership continues in 2015 by realization this project, when will the Czech delegation of The Tanvald Railway association visit Bergen in June, with propagation of The Czech republic, project and partnership. This campaign ‘‘Partnership improvement – Czech day in Bergen‘‘ is initiative supported by Fund for Bilateral relations of Czech republic and Norway.

Funded from the EHP program CZ06 fund – Cultural heritage and contemporary art
Total expenditure of project: 17 691 994,- Kč
Grants from the EHP fund: 15 302 827,- Kč

EEA Grants
Supported by grant from Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway
Podpořeno grantem Islandu, Lichtenštejnska a Norska

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